Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Howto: Encode Video for the Android G1 with Avidemux using Windows/Ubuntu/Linux/MacOSX

Well I searched all over for a solution on encoding video on the G1, everything I ran across was for the windows platform which I really dont care for any more since im a Ubuntu Guru, see
Within a debian/ubuntu distro simply:
apt-get install avidemux
Or For other linux distro's, Windows, MacOSX click here for Avidemux for your specific os

Open any video you want to encode for you G1 Via "Open"

Video Configuration:
Anyways Install Avidemux, then click on the video dropdown on the left and select MPEG-4 ASP (lavc)
Then Click Configure->Encoding Mode->Single Pass - Bitrate
Enter in any bitrate up to 384 to be safe, then click ok.
Now click Filters->MPlayer Resize->Double Click on it->
Click Ok, then close.

Audio Configuration:
Ok I heard that mp3/lame worked but i tried and it failed with the "Video Player" app, so what works is this:
Click Audio->AAC (FAAC)
Configure->Bitrate 96

Now Click Format->MP4

Click Save and specify a name.mp4 for your video, then once its done encoding, plug in your G1 via USB and transfer the video to your G1, I made a folder called "Videos", the name doesn't matter.

Anyways I hope this works for you, I would suggest downloading a sample xvid video and experimenting, let me know how things go!


  1. Hi,

    I tried this today, I followed the instructions exactly but the video was not sized correctly when i played it on my G1. There was a black bar along the bottom about 1/2 cm high.

    Any chance you could help me with this?

  2. G1 expects 480x320 size; otherwise it doesn't size it correctly. Check the discussion here:

  3. Check out Act 1 Video Player -- it shows mencoder command lines and some commentary on optimizing video encoding for the G1. Plus a great player too!

  4. Everything working like a charm.. thanks.. but the thumbnail not shown in that video for my Samsung galaxy 5.. how to fix it..? but in pc the thumbnail is shown..
